Pack for 7 days on the road, but try to pack as light as possible. We do have limited room in the chase vehicle. Weather can vary greatly on the road. It can go from hot and humid, to chilly and windy after storms form and pass. A light jacket or sweatshirt is highly recommended. Closed toe shoes also highly recommended. A second personal bag for your camera/electronics also suggested.

While we cannot control Mother Nature, we guarantee that you will be in at least one storm that receives a tornado warning from the NWS during the week-long tour. If not, we offer $300 off a future booking with us. It's all part of the adventure!

The tour price covers 7 nights of accommodation (Sunday to Saturday) in selected hotels and all transportation costs during the tour. Please note that the cost does not include the hotel the night before the tour starts (Saturday), food, or incidentals you may purchase on tour.

To ensure a personalized experience and an adventurous atmosphere, we keep our tour groups to a maximum of three guests. You'll join Gary on the road, creating an intimate and enjoyable environment for storm-chasing.

Safety is our top priority. We take precautions to minimize risks, including hazards like other drivers on the road, lightning, and large hail. Our experienced team ensures you can enjoy the raw power of storms while maintaining a safe distance and having multiple escape routes if needed. Your well-being is our utmost concern.

Storm Talk: Let's Chase Your Questions Away

Ready to embark on a thrilling storm-chasing adventure or curious about our tours? We're here to help! Share your thoughts, queries, or stormy ideas with us, and we'll make sure your journey starts on the right path. Feel free to reach out; we're eager to chase your curiosity away!